Rose Kowalski #AccióProducció

Rose Kowalski selected by Dones Visuals

Proud and honored to have been chosen to take part in Dones Visuals’ #AccióProducció mentoring programme for female producers in Catalonia. Only 3 sessions so far, but already blown away by mentors Carlotta Schiavon, Carla Sospedra, Mireia Graell Vivancos & Laura Rubirola Sala. #neverstoplearning

Great to be sharing time over the next 3 months with the following amazing 5 women and their projects:

✅ Mi hoa Lee with L’Aleteig de la papallona
✅ Eva Murgui with L’home més pacífic del món
✅ Laura Alvarez with Un fogal
✅ Laura Egidos with Contraria Media
✅ Marina Andreu with Puedo ver la tierra temblar